CBHM Runners-Train with UVRC

UVRC is training for the Covered Bridges Half Marathon this year. Come join us! We’ve got two weekly runs to prep for the race. April and May, we’ll target CBHM specifically. Feel free to come to either or both. General details below. In either case, watch the UVRC mailing list (for members), or our Meetup site: https://www.meetup.com/Upper-Valley-Running-Club/ for specific details and up-to-date information. Tuesday, we have a track workout. We typically meet on the Hanover High Track at 5:30. In April and May, we will have a workout ready specifically for folks training to run the CBHM on June 4th. Saturday morning, we have a long run, starting at 9am. In April and May, we’ll alternate between running on the course in Woodstock and our typical run from Omer and Bob’s in Lebanon. The official CBHM pacers (provided by UVRC) will be at these runs to help out; come meet the race day pacers. Please j...