#cbhm2014 Media Coverage. Check These Sites Out!

Cameras were Clicking Videos were Recording Lots of Race Memories Are Documented! Nice coverage in the local paper, The Vermont Standard , http://www.thevermontstandard.com/2014/06/photo-gallery-covered-bridges-half-marathon-2014/ (On news stands locally today or online through subscription.) Official Race photographer: Pat Hendrick Photography , http://www.backprint.com/view_event_photos.asp?PID=bp%13%7C%40&EVENTID=125574&PWD=0 Unofficial/Official Videographer: Steve Giroux Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXxTVnJpQOTB0pm36v9vnKEPfdMOogkur Keep posting your race images and we'll keep sharing them! http://photosbynanci.smugmug.com/CoveredBridgesHalfMarathon/2014/Shared-Images/ Mark your calendars! 24th Annual CBHM June 7, 2015 Race Registration opens December 8, 2014 at 7 pm EST CBHM 2014 Race results are POSTED! http://www.coolrunning.com/results/14/vt/Jun1_23rdAn_set1.shtml See you next year!! Mike,...