CBHM Registration OPENS in 24 Days!! #cbhm

24th Annual CBHM Sunday June 7, 2015 8:15AM 2015 Race Registration Opens Monday December 8, 2014 at 7 PM ET If the Race Sells Out and you did not get in, Please check our Charities Page for race spots. Thanks Ryan 2015 Race Registration Info.: Entry Fees and Registration: Registration for the 2015 Race will open on Monday, December 8th, 2014 7PM EST . Registration is by first-come, first-serve, NOT a lottery system. Registrants will receive confirmation emails. Registration is by VISA/MC . The entry fee is $70, plus ChronoTrack processing fee. (Registration for the 2014 race filled up in 14 minutes) CBHM Charities If you do not get in when registration opens, please considering running for on of our charities! Team Alzheimers Long time runner and CBHM veteran Jane Lemire has been involved in fundraising in the Upper Valley since 2003. Jane and her Team of runners pioneered TeamAlzheimers for CBHM in 2004 by turning 15 race entr...