Race Info
Important Times For Race Weekend
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018 Time: 1-5 p.m.
Race Course Map Click Here
Printable Race Weekend Info Sheet
Parking MAP
Race Information & Course Maps: Mike and Bill will be in front of the Woodstock Library by the green to answer any questions you may have. Stop by and say HI!! Look for the CBHM banners outside. Some of the UVRC Pacers plan to be on hand too to answer questions.
Race Bibs are NOT handed out at the information tent-ONLY at the Race Start at Suicide Six Ski Area Sunday morning beginning at 6 a.m.

Three seatings 5, 6 or 7 p.m.
Purchase tickets online

Dinner is prepared by the Woodstock Inn and local restaurants.
Cost is $20 per person, $10 children. No refunds after May 1, 2018.
It is a real community food event—with Woodstock’s finest food establishments making sauces and donating many food products and local service volunteers from Change the World Kids and other local groups all pitching in to make the event a success.
Visa and Master Card Accepted.
Stretch out, relax and have fun with yoga open to runners and guests of all levels.
Bring your own mat or towel and plan to be outside on the lawn. Please register below.
Yoga for runners 30-minute sessions 4:30, 5:15, 6:00
Yoga will be outside on the lawn. If the weather looks bad a "No-Go decision will be made at 10 AM on Saturday morning. If the event is cancelled, Flyway will communicate to participants.
Please register to save your spot:
Traditional class designed to prepare your mind and body for the race. Poses will release tension in major running muscles groups and promote relaxation.

Race Course Map Click Here
Printable Race Weekend Info Sheet
Parking MAP
Race Information & Course Maps: Mike and Bill will be in front of the Woodstock Library by the green to answer any questions you may have. Stop by and say HI!! Look for the CBHM banners outside. Some of the UVRC Pacers plan to be on hand too to answer questions.
Race Bibs are NOT handed out at the information tent-ONLY at the Race Start at Suicide Six Ski Area Sunday morning beginning at 6 a.m.

Pre-Race Pasta Supper
Chamber of Commerce Annual Pre-Race Pasta Dinner June 2.Three seatings 5, 6 or 7 p.m.
Purchase tickets online

Dinner is prepared by the Woodstock Inn and local restaurants.
Cost is $20 per person, $10 children. No refunds after May 1, 2018.
It is a real community food event—with Woodstock’s finest food establishments making sauces and donating many food products and local service volunteers from Change the World Kids and other local groups all pitching in to make the event a success.
Visa and Master Card Accepted.
Flyway Yoga will be offering yoga classes during and after the pre-race pasta supper.Stretch out, relax and have fun with yoga open to runners and guests of all levels.
Bring your own mat or towel and plan to be outside on the lawn. Please register below.
Yoga for runners 30-minute sessions 4:30, 5:15, 6:00
Yoga will be outside on the lawn. If the weather looks bad a "No-Go decision will be made at 10 AM on Saturday morning. If the event is cancelled, Flyway will communicate to participants.
Please register to save your spot:
Traditional class designed to prepare your mind and body for the race. Poses will release tension in major running muscles groups and promote relaxation.
RACE DAY! Sunday June 3, 2018

Date: Sunday, June 3, 2018 Race Start Time: 8:15 a.m.
Race Parking Opens 5:45 a.m. (Quechee Village Lot for Buses)
Help make everyone's morning a little less stressful
No Parking at Suicide Six Ski Area (Race Start)
Parking Area: PLEASE CARPOOL!!!
The race is point-to-point, so runners will be bused to the Start.
Bus Pick up is located between the Quechee Gorge Village Lot and the Quality Inn. Only RUNNERS on buses please.
The first bus leaves at 5:45 am. Buses run CONTINUOUSLY until 7 a.m.
The last bus leaves at 7:00 am.
Report to the Parking Area no later than 6:30 am (please see map).
Suicide Six Ski Area
There is absolutely NO PARKING at the Start area (drop-off's before 7:15 am are OK, follow signs to Suicide Six ski area from Woodstock)
Join our Carpool Forum:
Find A Ride, Share A Ride http://cbhm-carpooling.20575.n8.nabble.com/
Directions to the Race Parking:
Parking Area at Quechee Gorge Village on Route 4.
From Interstate 89: Take Exit 1 (Woodstock exit) and follow Route 4 west towards Woodstock. The parking area is a Quechee Gorge Village, about 2.4 miles from the exit-- follow signs.
From Interstate 91: Take Interstate to White River Junction, Vermont, to Interstate 89 North. Then follow directions above for I-89.
From the West: Take Vermont Route 4 east; go 8 miles past Woodstock, -- follow signs.
Racer Check-In and Bib Pick Up-Suicide Six Ski Area
Race Bib Pick Up/Registration Table Opens: 6 a.m.BIB (Number) Pick Up: Racer's Bibs will be given to runners at the Start Area at Suicide Six the morning of the race.
(We have got the system down pretty well so you wait less than 2 minutes to get your bib.)
Course Map
Course difficulty: The course has a very gentle downgrade, dropping 200 feet in elevation over the 13.1 miles. There is a moderate hill at mile 5 and a short, steep hill at mile 8.
Course records
Men: Seth McClennan, 1995, 1:07:06;
Women: Andrea Walkonen, 2012 1:17:22
Water Stops
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 miles, plus Start and Finish.Electrolyte Drinks Available at Stops
6, 8, 10 and 12 miles.Some of our Water Stop Volunteers:
Upwey EquestrianUpper Valley Hostel
Hartford Youth Hocky
Woodstock Alumni Association
Woodstock Boys Soccer
Woodstock Youth Hockey
WUHS Backcourt Club
WUHS French Club
Upper Vallley Hockey Association
Zack's Place
1.5, 3, 5, 8, 10 miles, plus Start and Finish.Road Closures-TBA
Personal Baggage
Baggage will be transported from the Start area back to the Finish area just before the start of the race. Plan on bringing your own bags with labels already on. In case of bad weather, you'll want to make sure the bag is waterproof.Best Viewing of CBHM Runners
SpectatorsIf you want to see your runner at the finish line-you MUST BE parked before 10 a.m.. The lot and road will be closed at this time.
The two best places to watch runners are the Village of Woodstock and at the Finish Line. Spectator parking is very convenient to the Finish Line at the Polo Field. (see the map below)
Race Map
Remember NO PARKING at Taftsville!

We will be using the ChronoTrack "B" Tag Timing System.The B Tag is attached to the back of your bib, eliminating the fussing with your shoe laces. Racers cross Timing Mats at the Start and Finish to give you both an official "Gun" time as well as the unofficial "Net" time from when you cross the start mats.
You, and your B Tag, must pass over both mat systems (start and finish) in order to receive your "Net" time. If your start time is not recorded, you will only receive your "Gun time".
The official order of finish for the first three male and female finishers will be based on “Gun” time. For all but these 6 finishers, we will use “Net” times for official order of finish.
The USAT&F does accept “Net” times for rankings for masters runners (40 and over). However, it is unclear if they will accept “Net” times for other age groups. Web site results on cbhm.com will be posted in both "Gun" time order as well as "Net" time order.
For the B Tag to work, it must be pinned on your outermost layer of clothing on your front and NOT folded or wrinkled.
Dewey Field in Quechee VermontReturn to Parking Lot for your car
FREE Buses Back to Quechee Village Lot-Runners can board buses to be transported up the hill from the Finish Line to where you parked your car pre-race.Note: TAKE THE BUSES-This is the SAFEST WAY to get back to your car!

Medals and T-Shirts
Race Finishing MedalsWill be given out at the Finish Line
T-Shirts: Shirts will be given at the end of the race to each finishing racer. Shirts cannot be mailed.
T-shirt sizes are by gender because of the different cuts.
Womens - S, M, L, XL. Mens - S, M, L, XL, XXL.

Race Results
Posted during the race near the finish line.Posted online after the race.
Our awards for the top 3 overall men and women are based on GUN time (first to reach the finish line). Then we remove these 6 runners from the age divisions and those age divisions are determined by NET time (also called CHIP time which is finish time minus start time).Top three Runners Male/Female Pottery by Shackleton/Thomas
Runner Age Groups Male/Female
19 and under
80 and up
Prizes for Age Groups Top Three:
Mug -Shackelton / Thomas
Maple Syrup - Top Acres Farm South Woodstock
Cheese -Sugarbush Farm http://www.sugarbushfarm.com/
9:45 - 12:30 - SUNDAY, JUNE 3
9:45 - 12:30 - SUNDAY, JUNE 3
Flyway Yoga will be offering drop-in yoga after the race, open to runners and all spectators, no registration required.
From 9:45 to 12:30 on Sunday, two teachers will lead stretching and yoga for anyone who's interested. This drop-in yoga will be designed to promote healthy recovery and post-race fun and well-being. No registration or mats required. Look for the tent in Dewey Field. See you there!
From 9:45 to 12:30 on Sunday, two teachers will lead stretching and yoga for anyone who's interested. This drop-in yoga will be designed to promote healthy recovery and post-race fun and well-being. No registration or mats required. Look for the tent in Dewey Field. See you there!
Please recycle plastic and compost

Finish Line Food and Drink
Water and Gatorade

Food Tent

Lazy Cow Ice Cream

Harpoon Brewery has agreed to supply CBHM with tasty beverages for each registered finisher over 21 years of age.We are glad to welcome Harpoon as a sponsor to the event!
Beer will be available for friends and spectators for a price - Positive ID required.

Finish Line Music
Say, Darling Celia Woodsmith, Chris HerschRace Photos

CBHM Official Race Photographer
Pat Hendrick
Pat Hendrick Photography
259 State Route 86
Paul Smiths, NY 12970
Call 518-327-3342
Or email Phendrick7602127@roadrunner.com
Remember to wear your bib on the FRONT of your body throughout the race so that the photographers can identify you.
Things to Do in the Woodstock Area
Print this list:Things to Do in the Woodstock VT Area
Mount Tom Farmer’s Market-Saturday 9:30-1230 their Facebook Page
Trek to Taste-Saturday, June 2 10 am-3 pm
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park
802-457-3368 ext. 222 54 Elm St. Woodstock VT. http://www.trektotaste.info/
Billings Farm and Museum-Open daily April-October 10 am-5 pm
802-457-2355 69 Old River Rd, Woodstock VT http://billingsfarm.org/farm-museum/
Woodstock History Center-Wed-Sat 1-5 pm, Sunday 11 am-3 pm 802-457-1822
Montshire Museum of Science-Open daily 10 am-5 pm
802-649-2200 Norwich VT https://www.montshire.org/
Quechee Gorge
VINS Vermont Institute of Natural Science
802-359-5000 6565 Woodstock RD Quechee VT http://www.vinsweb.org/
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park-Open daily 10 am-5 pm
802-457-3368 54 Elm St. Woodstock VT. https://www.nps.gov/mabi/
New England Falconry (by appointment) 802-457-6621
4148 Hartland Hill RD Woodstock, VT http://www.falconryatwoodstockvt.com/
Calvin Coolidge Historic Site-Open daily 9:30 am-5 pm
802-672-3773 3780 Vermont 100A Plymouth, VT 05056 http://historicsites.vermont.gov/directory/coolidge
Quechee Gorge Village-Open daily 10 am-5 pm
802-295-1550 ext 102 5573 Woodstock Rd Quechee VT https://www.quecheegorge.com/
Quechee Gorge-"Vermont's Little Grand Canyon" http://vermonttourismnetwork.com/quechee-gorge-vermonts-little-grand-canyon/
Chambers of Commerce:
Hartford Chamber of Commerce
Woodstock Chamber of Commerce
Upper Valley Chamber
Other Information
Lodging and Area Information:For details on lodging and information about the area, check the Hartford Chamber of Commerce or Woodstock Chamber of Commerce.
Our Lodging Links